Building prayer relationships one day at a time...

Building prayer relationships one day at a time...

Building prayer relationships one day at a time...

Building prayer relationships one day at a time...

Friday, April 29, 2016

Beginning Your Relationship with the Father....

But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door pray to the Father which is in secret and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.

Matthew 6:6

Jesus is simply speaking of building a personal intimate relationship with him. We want to have time at some point in our day where we dedicate time to spend in prayer. I particularly like the mornings. Its quiet for me, my kids are off to school and usually the baby is sleeping. During my quiet time I start with telling the Lord how much I love him. Then I spend time reflecting on my heart. When I say this I literally think of things I might have said that were hurtful, areas that I may have fallen short, things that I should have done and didn't and then I ask God to reveal to me any errors in my heart that I may not have noticed. He might not reveal that part right off but once you get into prayer TRUST ME you won't leave without him showing you something about yourself. There are times that it is difficult to swallow, but that's why he wants an intimate relationship. Its OK to spill your emotions, pains, heartaches,sickness, joys, happiness, WHATEVER!! He wants those type of things because it draws us closer to him and we are then vulnerable to Jesus and that's OK because our trust is in him.

The end of the passage, he said he will reward us openly. What does it mean to be rewarded openly? Below are some of the rewards that you begin to see:

1. There is a renewing power that comes every time you enter in to prayer with the Lord. As you build a relationship you begin to fall in love. People around you begin to notice because  there is a "glow" about you.
2. You feel refreshed. After you go through the cleansing, heart wash you come out of prayer feeling like your soul has been washed by Jesus Living water. Well it has! and the reward is, you don't feel burdened down and heavy, your stress free and your spirit is lifted.
3. Cares and worries diminish. The more you seek Him the more you begin to trust him.
4. Petitions are answered. Have you ever prayed for a need or a family member (friend) for their salvation or freedom? When you see that prayer come to pass, you just want to bust out and have a personal praise party? Yes that Gods reward in the open and its a great feeling.

There are several more rewards I could mention but you get the idea. Just remember that in all that he does we give him all the praise and glory. We never want to forget that he is the reason that we are so blessed today.

So I encourage each one of you to step out and take the time to take your prayer life to another level. I don't like using the term challenge because it shouldn't be a challenge to go before a loving Father and begin to share your life with him. Just open your heart. God Bless you all.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The Importance of Prayer....

There are so many reasons that we pray. The most important and necessary reason to pray is to build a relationship with Jesus. He is the Way, He is the Truth and he is the Life. Outside of him we are nothing and will amount to nothing when we try to take control of a life that was created to worship him.

Another reason is, Prayer is our greatest weapon. Without it we will fail. There is no way to look around it. Things might seem OK in our lives but when things start to turn we need to be able to go before the throne of grace that is open to us and behold the Father to guide us through our storms.

We also pray because our footsteps are ordered by the Lord. If you want to right direction, you have to learn to seek him so that you will know for yourself. There is nothing wrong with being prophesied to however it should be confirmation to your inner man (spirit). I highly recommend that when you do receive a word from a prophet, ALWAYS write it down and pray about it if you feel uneasy. God will be sure to give you just what you need.

Prayer brings the word to life and it gives us wisdom. Along with praying its so important that we take time to read the word of God as well because he will speak to us through his word.

Most of all when we pray we can heal this generation that we live in, reach our family, neighbors, friends, church members and our leaders in this world. We want to be "AWARE of Gods prescence" Prayer will open the spirit world to you and it is a fascinating feeling and experience to be in that special place with Jesus.

I'm excited to be apart of the lives that God sends my way and I look forward to supporting you and praying with you about whatever your needs are. Please feel free to leave your comments, questions and prayer requests anytime. Thank you for reading! God Bless You.